Lamark Edge & Lamark Lasa Sizes Packages & Prices Click Here
Lamark Lasa = Aluminum Pool Wall | Lamark Edge = Steel Pool Wall
If you followed a link to this page, you probably heard that the Lamark pool is the ultimate value in above ground swimming pools. It is! I designed this pool to blow away all competition. The Lamark above ground swimming pool is available with a steel or aluminum pool wall with an attractive White Resin framing.
You can not buy a better swimming pool or pool package for less money than I sell this pool for. Also, while most of my swimming-pools are going up in price, my Lamark Edge is remaining at the same price through 2024.
$200 OFF Brown or Gray Paint Brush Steal Wall Design
The Lamark took top honors as the best value above ground pool. Click here to read that article.
Pool Sizes
The Lamark is available in four sizes, and eight 52 inch wall pattern options.
Available Sizes:
- 15’x52″ Round
- 18’x52″ Round
- 21’x52″ Round
- 24’x52″ Round
Lamark Specifications
Now let’s talk about how great this pool is, and why I say it’s amazing. What makes the Lamark stand out from the rest of the pack?
First, it is the least expensive pool that still challenges any in its class for strength and durability; you can’t buy a better permanent-above-ground pool for less. You can, however, spend much much more and “NOT” get as good a swimming pool.
It boggles my mind that people still sell pools with steel top rails and uprights. The Lamark resin frame is all extruded, the caps are resin, the top and bottom wall track joiners are resin. There is no steel in the framing to rust or rot out.
The Lamark above ground pool comes in two models, the Lamark Edge, and the Lasa. The only difference between the Edge and the Lasa is the wall. The Edge has a steel wall, while the Lasa has a NASA-grade aluminum wall. Lamark + NASA = LASA
Lamark Lasa Pool Replacement
Below is an image of the pool we replaced with a Lamark Lasa, notice the rust on the wall around the return line, this is a common failing of steel wall pools. The pool wall rotted enough that the pool was leaking. Eventually, the wall lets go flooding the area, in this case, the rot was pointing right at the homeowner’s house with a finished basement.
Good American steel walls last a lot longer than the cheap box store pools, and our pools come with a special gasket so the water never touches the wall.

Here we replaced an already existing heated pool, rarely do I get to take a picture of one of my swimming pools with the landscaping looking good, or with a deck built. We replaced the steel wall pool that was rotting out with this resin and aluminum pool that will probably outlive the owners.
Packaged with the premium full print beaded liner and they upgraded their old filter to one of my Premium 100 square foot cartridge filters with energy efficient two-speed pumps. They kept their existing pool-heater, and we just plumbed it back into the new system.
Like many of today’s modern pools, this one is a Hybrid in every sense; it has components made from aluminum, resin, and Stainless steel (hardware). All Lamark above ground pools come with stainless steel hardware.
The pattern in this picture below is available on both our Lamark Edge and Lasa models.

Lamark Pool Wall Prints
Lamark Edge (Steel) Above Ground Pool Wall Options
Lamark Lasa Wall Prints (Aluminum)
Whichever model you choose, rest assured you are buying either the best steel wall available or the best aluminum wall. I don’t just throw the word “best” around lightly. Our aluminum wall is thicker than any other manufacturers. Our steel wall is as thick as the best and treated as good as the best. I would compare it to Doughboy pools best.
Even though this is the least expensive model from MGK Pools, it has the same high-end wall you will find on their most expensive models. You can package any of our walls with the Lamark Pool. We have ten wall patterns to choose from in all, seven steel, and three aluminum. You may have noticed we use a couple of the same design prints for steel and aluminum.
Design Options
The pool framing, meaning all the top-rails and uprights are white. White will match any wall patterns or vinyl liner prints; white fades less in the sun than darker colors do. Its framing is reliable and has a manufacturers 30 year warranty. The color is in the resin, so you don’t have to worry about paint chipping, rusting, scratching, chipping or anything.
All our design patterns are printed on Hot Dipped Galvanized G90 Steel, from US Steel mills and then corrugated for extra strength. Our Aluminum walls come in three prints and are the thickest non-extruded Aluminum wall you can buy, and also corrugated for extra durability.

Bottom Channel | Top Channel | Connector Plates
As you know, the wall sits on a bottom track, we made this out of Aluminum for both Lamark models, so it is easier to bond the pool, and less prone to rot. We could have gone with a cheaper steel option or resin, but chose not too. For the upper track, we went with Resin. Resin will never rot, and will always provide strong support for the top of the wall.
All connector plates are composite resin.
Top Rails, Caps & Uprights
Again we went with Resin. There’s a reason manufacturers offer extended warranties for resin pools. They know there is nothing to rot out. Our Lamark Models features modern attractive white top rails, caps and uprights.
Our two-piece cap wraps the top rail with a skirt, which offers the top-rail extra strength and support.
Nothing lasts as long or is as good as Stainless steel hardware. We include Stainless steel screws with every pool.
A quick word about warranties, while you will read about 35 and 60-year warranties. If you read the fine print of any of these manufacturer warranties, You see it only applies to “manufacturers defects.” Also, all these pools start to prorate that warranty after just two years. I will double that and give you four years non-prorated. Warranties against manufacturers defects are not worth much, but mine is better, just like my pools. 🙂
When you buy an above-ground swimming pool from us, we try to help you with the care and maintenance, installation and more. We have assembled a page to help you understand your equipment and pool maintenance. Please click here for our ultimate guide to above ground swimming pools and pool equipment.
Lamark Pool Package Pricing
Lamark Edge Cost | Lamark Lasa Pricing |
12′ Round – Pool Package $1720.00 – Click Here 15′ Round – Pool Package $1850.00 – Click Here 18′ Round – Above-Ground Pool Package $2020.00 –Click Here 21′ Round – Above-Ground Pool Package $2200.00 – Click Here 24′ Round – Above-Ground Pool Package $2375.00 – Click Here | 12′ Round – Pool Package $1930.00 15′ Round – Pool Package $2090.00 18′ Round – Above-Ground Pool Package $2300.00 – Click Here 21′ Round – Above-Ground Pool Package $2525.00 – Click Here 24′ Round – Above-Ground Pool Package $2725 –Click Here |
You can assemble your own custom Lamark Pool and choose your wall and accessories here https://poolsupplies.poolservicema.com/product/above-ground-pool-builder/
The Lamark pool is a game changer; we can offer a top of the line pool for the same price that big box stores and online retailers are selling garbage, garbage that cost thousands more in some cases. Don’t be fooled by price!
Please call 978-710-8667 with any questions
Build your own dream custom Lamark Pool Package on This Page. You can choose the wall, the liner, the filter system, and accessories all to your liking.