The Dauntless is the best above-ground pool we sell here at MGK Pools. The Dauntless is almost all aluminum with a couple of resin components (caps and connector plates). The rolled / coil aluminum wall is the thickest of any above-ground swimming pool on the market.
The Dauntless comes in three wall choices. Wheat, Tribal Stone, and this, the Gray Mosaic (most popular). All models come with feature strips to match your wall choice. The feature strips can be seen here in the top rails and the uprights /posts as wall accents.

There are no materials on this pool to rust or rot out. I like to say that if you package this pool with a good quality liner, this pool will live longer than you.
Our Dauntless oval pools have a few components made of steel and all Dauntless pools have stainless steel hardware. The bottom wall track is one more component we felt was important to keep as steel. So we paired one of the best treated ridged steel tracks money can buy.
If you have read anything about our pool company, you know this is a rebranded Buster Crabbe Swimming Pool. Of course, there are a couple of elements to our above ground pool kits that make it unique for MGK Pools, and I package it with the best above-ground pool liners on the earth.
This swimming pool is a throwback to a time when everything was over-engineered. A time when thinking was more about quality and design than just manufacturing a thing for the lowest buck. Before the term “designed obsolescence” was coined. Meaning designing a product to last only so long. Ever notice how your TV dies a day after the warranty expires? That’s “designed-obsolescence.”
Have You read our above ground pool reviews? The Dauntless is in the Top-10 Best Pools on the Planet.
Dauntless Oval Pool Sizes
The Dauntless oval pool is available in many pool sizes. We do not make every size available on our pool package builder page. Available sizes are as follows:
12 x 18 x 52
12 x 24 x 52
15 x 24 x 52
15 x 30 x 52
18 x 33 x 52
With so many oval pool sizes available, you are sure to find one that fits your backyard, and budget. Of course, all our Dauntless pools have a deck and fence options.
The Dauntless oval models have buttresses on the side. If you prefer a buttress-free oval pool, then I suggest buying an Atlas Pool and upgrading the wall to aluminum.
Dauntless Round Pools
The Dauntless Round models are as follows:
12 x 52
15 x 52
18 x 52
21 x 52
24 x 52
27 x 52
30 x 52
Round Package Pricing
Package includes POOL + Full Print Beaded Liner and Hayward Skimmer Kit To add accessories please use our custom pool builder
- 12′ Round – Above Ground Pool $2630.00 – Visit Page
- 15′ Round – Above Ground Pool $2815.00 – Visit Page
- 18′ Round – Above Ground Pool $3109.00 – Visit Page
- 21′ Round – Above Ground Pool $3443.00 – Visit Page add a two piece deck package with fence, stairs and locking gate for just $2500.00 All in for $5943.00
- 24′ Round – Above Ground Pool $3716.00 – Visit Page
- 27′ Round – Above Ground Pool $4041.00 – Visit Page
- 30′ Round Above Ground Pool – $4401.00 – Visit Page
Oval Dauntless Pool Package Prices
Package includes POOL + Full Print Beaded Liner and Hayward Skimmer Kit To add accessories please use our custom pool builder
- 12x18x52 Oval $3572.00~ Buy it Now
- 12×24×52 Oval $4359.00~ Buy it Now
- 15×24×52 Oval $4359.00~ Buy it Now
- 15×30×52 Oval $4909.00~ Buy it Now
- 18×33×52 Oval $5224.00~ Buy it Now
We have small and large pools. I like to think you can see a 30 round pool as you fly over them at 40 thousand feet. They are big!
Dauntless Tribal Stone Wall Pattern
Here is a wall sample of our Dauntless with Tribal Stone pattern. It is one of our more popular walls. Again you can see the accent feature strips on the upright and top rails.
If you notice the cap at the top of the upright, you will see the Flying Eagle cap of Buster Crabbe Pools. It wraps the top rail giving it extra support. Of course, the extruded aluminum top rail is already super ridged, but the cap just adds to the overall design and strength of this system.

Dauntless Wheat Wall W/ Accent Strips
The wheat is more of a soft mocha palm pattern with matching accent feature strips.
It looks excellent up against brown decks and houses.

Contact & Questions
I am proud to call this pool our showpiece of all our models. It looks slim and elegant and is really in a class above the rest.
If you have any questions about our Dauntless Pools or would like to request more information, please call 978-710-8667 or visit our Contact Page
*Local Only means East and North of New York only