Very few above ground swimming pools have enough decking to perform maintenance tasks like vacuuming. With little or no deck, you may have to get into the pool to vacuum the far side of it or try to reach up over your pool-wall. Getting into the pool means stirring up the dirt you want to remove from the bottom, and holding the vacuum pole over the wall is a shoulder burner to be sure. Unless you have a small pool, I believe it is necessary to have an automatic vacuum for above ground pools.
Pool Cleaners – Above Ground Swimming Pools
These are the top-rated swimming pool vacuums for above ground swimming pools. They represent a full range of different types and designs. In order from Left to the right we have; Dolphin E10, Hayward Aquabug, Aquabot Pool Rover Jr., and the Zodiac Polaris 65.
Brand Name | Model | Type | Cost-$$ |
Maytronics/Dolphin | E10 | Electronic w/ Top Access Debris Basket | $450.00 |
Hayward | Aquabug | Suction Side Cleaner | $170.00 |
Zodiac | Polaris 65 | Pressure Side Cleaner | $180.00 |
Aquabot | Pool Rover Jr | Electronic – Bag Style Debris Collection | $290.00 |
You can see that only $280.00 separates the most expensive above ground pool vacuum from the least expensive and just $160.00 from the two most expensive. So it is not really about money, it is which is best for your swimming pool?
I list each model and do a breakdown below, but I will tell you my top choice is the Aquabot Pool Rover Jr.
Dolphin E10 Pool Vacuum

PRO’s – Good Things
The Dolphin is the newest state of the art above ground pool vacuum available today. It connects to a power supply via a 40-foot cord.
It has brushes and climbs and cleans the pool walls. The top access debris basket is simple to clean quickly. Its also lightweight drains quick when removing, has a program to clean efficiently.
On Amazon now for $449.00 Click Here
CON’s – Bad Things
First, you have to buy an upgrade kit if you want this vacuum to pick up small particles of dirt. It comes stock with a debris basket that mainly picks up larger items. So if you buy the upgrade kit, this unit price goes up into the $550.00 range. I can buy 2 Aquabot Jr’s for that and start robot wars in my pools. Cleaning and entertainment 🙂
Even with the upgrade kit on board, there are complaints about its ability to pick up debris. Being an old mechanic, I know if you restrict flow you lose power. Muscle cars have big fat headers, mufflers and exhaust pipes for a reason!
Lastly, parts needed to repair the Dolphin are way more expensive than for the Aquabot, and harder to install. For these reasons, I omitted this Auto-Vacuum when I wrote my main article reviewing all pool cleaners (click here) to check it out.
Hayward Aquabug

PRO’s – Good Things
I have seen this cleaner sell for as little as $135.00 on Amazon.
A suction side cleaner it runs around powered by the vacuum created by your running pool pump. Just connect the included vacuum hose to the skimmer, and it does a good job cleaning the pool. No debris bag to empty, just empty your skimmer basket when finished.
Short Money! Available currently on Amazon for $167.69 Click Here
CON’s – Bad Things
Doesn’t climb pool walls
Recommended for use with a leaf canister which cost an additional $37.00 on Amazon Click Here.
It has trouble with pool bottoms that are not flat and smooth.
Because it uses the vacuum created by your pump and ties up your skimmer, the pool surface is getting dirty while you clean the bottom.
Aquabot Pool Rover Jr.

PRO’s – Good Things
Lots of power! 40-foot floating power-cable. Cheap replacement parts are readily available.
Perfect for flat pools of all shapes and sizes. Debris bag captures small dirt particles. Operates well on bumpy terrain, i.e., non-smooth swimming pool bottoms.
Listed for $287.99 on Amazon Click Here
CON’s – Bad Things
Cleans pool floors only.
Doesn’t have brushing option, and cleaning the debris bag is more challenging than other models listed here.
Zodiac Polaris 65

PRO’s – The Good
Because this pool vacuum uses pressure to power it around the pool, your skimmer is free to keep cleaning the pool surface.
Short money, lasts for many years. Picks up large pieces of debris. Increases circulation and sweeps the walls.
On Amazon for just $181.99 Click Here
CON’s – Bad Things
It does not collect dust and fine small particles.
The conclusion of my top
You may have noticed I left out the cheap Kreepy Krawly suction cleaners, I don’t like them. My top pick as already mentioned but worth repeating is the Aquabot Pool Rover Jr. Next, I would go with the Zodiac Polaris 65. Third I’d choose the Aquabug from Hayward.
I just am never going to pick a unit for over $500.00 bucks unless it starts making pancakes! 🙂 It sounds fancy and modern and all but does it clean the pool better? Provide Saving or Value? I think not. You won’t regret the Aquabot pool vacuum.
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