Pool Cartridge Filter Cleaner – Tools and Detergents

Are you looking for the best way to clean cartridge filters? Looking for detergents, or degreasers? I have two products that are going to save you time, and make cleaning your filter easy. First you need a good pool cartridge filter cleaner like Bioguard’s Kleen It, and second, a good tool to help get that dirt and debris… Continue reading Pool Cartridge Filter Cleaner – Tools and Detergents

Categorized as Pool Care

Rectangle Above Ground Pool

Rectangle above ground pools all include a deck and a fence except for cheap Intex pools. The prefab metal pool deck and fence are part of the design and structure of the swimming pool and can not be installed without them. I installed this rectangle above ground pool (shown above) in the spring of 2016.… Continue reading Rectangle Above Ground Pool

Pool Pump Repair – Replacement – Installation

MGK Pool Service (978) 710-8667 This page offer something for everyone. Whether you want a pool pump repair, replacement, or installation. I provide all these services. Well, me and my group of pool mechanics. We replace pump motors, fix leaks, change bearings, brushes, you name it. I also have the most amazing deals on new variable… Continue reading Pool Pump Repair – Replacement – Installation

Categorized as Promotions

Salt Water Pool Systems

Salt Water Pool Systems Are En Vogue Salt water pool systems are all the rage. Swimming Pool builders who have been hurting in recent years are trying to find new revenues by up selling these systems. There are some reasons to go with a salt generator. In this article we will examine both the pro’s… Continue reading Salt Water Pool Systems

Categorized as Pool Care

Doughboy Pools Reviews

Doughboy Pools Compared to Mine I am not here to stop you from buying a Doughboy swimming pool. I recommend them to people every day and have Doughboy Pools listed in my top ten best swimming pools on the planet. Also, they have one of the largest dealer networks, so if you want the person who… Continue reading Doughboy Pools Reviews