Health Effects Of Chlorine

It is not my intention to scare, or even suggest you stop using chlorine in your swimming pool. But there are health risks that require mitigating. First I talk about some of the health effects and risks, and then I mentioned ways to reduce or even eliminate those concerns. By the end, You will understand… Continue reading Health Effects Of Chlorine

Categorized as Pool Care

Best Above Ground Pool Liners – Reviews and Information

Best Above-Ground Pools Liners Above-ground pool liner reviews and more. After reading this article, you will be able to buy a good pool liner from any manufacturer. I also share my experience and offer industry insights so you can learn for yourself which is the best above-ground pool liner for your swimming pool. I included this short… Continue reading Best Above Ground Pool Liners – Reviews and Information

Above-Ground Pool As Inground? – Best Semi-Inground Pools

Why install an Above ground pool in the ground? Because doing so offers homeowners the best of both worlds. Above ground pools are less expensive, easier to maintain, and don’t increase your property tax. And by recessing one into the ground, you get the look and feel of an inground pool for a lot less money. The Best Semi-Inground Pools… Continue reading Above-Ground Pool As Inground? – Best Semi-Inground Pools

Inground Pool Liner Cost

Inground Pool Liner Cost I see a lot of websites that tell you what an inground pool liner replacement should cost, or sites with swimming pool liner replacement calculators, most of them are misleading or just plain don’t know what the heck they’re talking about. This article will give you a pretty good idea of what an… Continue reading Inground Pool Liner Cost

Categorized as Pool Repair